Limburg Birth Cohort

Even before birth, babies have soot particles in their lungs and brains

Traces of air pollution can already be found in vital organs of unborn babies. This is according to new research from Hasselt University and the University of Aberdeen. "Previous research by our team already showed that soot particles can be found in the placenta in all trimesters of pregnancy. Now we see that these soot particles do not stay there, but actually enter the foetus's organs," says professor Tim Nawrot.

Soot particles in the air mainly come from burning fossil fuels such as diesel and heating oil. Several studies have been published on the negative effects of soot pollution on our health. And these effects are already felt in the very young, even before birth.

You can read the full article here read back. Do you like to read the scientific article? You can find it in The Lancet Planetary Health.

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