Limburg Birth Cohort

Meet Nick

Specialising in green spaces and cardiovascular outcomes

Nick Giesberts

PhD student

Research project: The omics signatures of early-life biological ageing
Latest studies: The impact of residential and short-term green space exposure on cardiovascular parameters related to stress response in children

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Research project

The impact of residential and short-term green space exposure on cardiovascular parameters related to stress response in children

Contact with and physical activity in nature and green spaces have been associated with beneficial effects on health. However, evidence to explain the underlying mechanisms that cause these effects is scarce. To further investigate responsible biological mechanisms, within this project we research how nature and green space exposure influence cardiovascular responses that are related to stress in children between the ages of 9 and 11 years, as part of the ENVIRONAGE birth cohort. For this purpose, participating children carry newly developed biosensors over a prolonged period of time in their daily life.